Welcome to Montana Trenchless, the leaders in trenchless pipe replacement in the Flathead Valley. Not only do we use the latest in trenchless technology, but our equipment is designed, manufactured and sold worldwide from right here in the Flathead by our sister company Roddie Incorporated. This gives us not only the advantage of immediate access to new designs and equipment, but because of direct involvement and communication with Roddie Inc. we have a better understanding of how our equipment works and it's capabilities.
Check out our site and see what we can do for you!
Call us: 406.863.7777
If you are interested in learning more about the products we use, visit our sister company Roddie Incorporated.
Starting with a modified military winch in the late 1980’s, our pipe bursting machine has become faster and lighter than ever before. This is the least destructive and the least expensive way to go if the existing host pipe has the proper percent of grade. This trenchless method leaves expensive landscapes, driveways, roads, and anything else in the path of your underground sewer line untouched as the sewer line is replaced, eliminating almost all above ground reconstruction cost.

Pipe bursting is a method of replacing damaged or broken underground water, sanitary, gas, and storm drain
pipes. Compared to traditional methods, it requires no open trenching. This saves time and expense, as
well as sparing the reconstruction of landscaping, sidewalks, and driveways. Even though pipe bursting is
a recent development, it is a fast growing standard in pipe replacement.

The Basement Buddy drill is designed to be used for the replacement of underground water service pipes from
home, or home basements, to city meter pit or curb stop. This system slides apart into two pieces weighing
under 100 pounds each and is easily transported into a basement or an outside excavated pit. Working as a
directional drill, navigating up, down, left, and right, the new water service will be installed accurately
every time.